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Lawtons 28mm Equal Tee


JTM's 'Endfeed' range of copper piping and fittings is a versatile, economical option for every aspect of gas and heating applications, from domestic and light commercial to potable water and heating. With a large variety of diameters from 67mm to 159mm and matchin... Read More

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Russell Elliott


JTM's 'Endfeed' range of copper piping and fittings is a versatile, economical option for every aspect of gas and heating applications, from domestic and light commercial to potable water and heating. With a large variety of diameters from 67mm to 159mm and matching fittings, these WRAS approved fittings are ready for your next demanding plumbing project. These 'equal tee' sections come in a range of common diameters, with competitive pricing across the range as well as bulk deals.

Features & Benefits: Lawtons 28mm Equal Tee

  • Extremely versatile, ready for both water and gas applications
  • Diameters ranging from 67mm to 159mm available
  • 85% of the Endfeed range is WRAS approved
  • All pieces are manufactured to EU and BS standards


Size 28mm


Type Tees Material Copper Pack Size Pack of 50
Pack of 500
Pack of 1
Range Endfeed Fittings


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Lawtons 28mm Equal Tee

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