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Rothenberger Propane Gas - 339g

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This Propane Gas 2000 from Rothenberger is a gas cartridge that is suitable for flame temperatures up to 1,900°C. This propane gas has EU coupling 7/16 and is available in 339g. Features & Benefits: Rothenberger Propane Gas - 339gGas cartridge339gFor flame temperatures up t... Read More

£15.42 Incl. VAT
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"Just what l was looking for."

Christopher Lowe


This Propane Gas 2000 from Rothenberger is a gas cartridge that is suitable for flame temperatures up to 1,900°C. This propane gas has EU coupling 7/16 and is available in 339g.

Features & Benefits: Rothenberger Propane Gas - 339g

  • Gas cartridge
  • 339g
  • For flame temperatures up to 1,900°C
  • EU coupling 7/16


Length 290mm Depth 75mm Width 75mm

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Rothenberger Propane Gas - 339g

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